Nice MAP
I am a flash developer- I mostly make games but do a few animations and vector graphics too. PM or email me if you want any help with flash tips or techniques, or AS2 help. I am also interested in electronics and pyrotechnics, so PM about them too.
Age 29, Male
Cheltenham, England
Joined on 9/30/07
Nice MAP
Are you being sarcastic or what? I am beggining to re-do the graphics anyway.
Is the tutorial level final? I hope not.
Also, did you make the potions and character's walk cycle yourself? I don't know why, but I don't think you did
The gameplay is final and so are the trees, potions, character, coins, and most of the interface. I did not do the character, Jaleho did that, and whoknowsmeaudi0 did the potions.
looks pretty cool but you can walk over the water
it used to work, but when we got rid of the Vcam we still haven't been able to re do the hittests.
sounds like it will be a fun game. my character was jesus! he was walking on water, and through walls.
Yeah, I havent re-done the shapeflag hitTests yet.
Andy, ever update this page?
Apperently not
Updated: 04/23/08 4:35 PM
I will update it when we we do alot more on it, rather than just updating it each time we reposition a tree, etc.
Do you still need help with quests?
No, but I need help thing of the quests, enemy, and city names.
Andy, i can do quests too.
okay, thanks.
Oh, and i'm also working on ze enemy. (ze == the) :P
Too easy. Just keep walking left, down a bit when you hit arrows, boom, yer done. >_>
its a TUTORIAL and the hittests need re-doing
oh god
better art pl0x
I think I will start deleting theese comments soon. Seriously, the graphics ARE NOT FINAL!! Still, I got a comment from Zerobeam :)
I'm sorry.
sorry? What for?
ffff you give us 13 year olds a bad name
people realy don't seem to like my idea. If youve based your opinions on the tutorial, thats just a gameplay idea. I am getting CS4 Web Premium soon, so I will be able to have amazing 3D graphics and stuff, the only stuff from the tutorial that will be permanent is the character. Its alos a tutorial, only about 1/30 of the whole game map, and its only about 2% done. (Yes, I really should start working on it properly. Its more something that I do if im really really bored ATM)
never mind this RPG stuff. Make pushies 2, "This time you've pushed me too far!"
Are you on about my pusies game? That was for a competition, to make a game under 1kb. No-one really seems to like the idea of my RPG. But I do have lots of "famous" NG users commenting on my userpage :)
I don't play RPGs I play pushies! MORE PUSHING PLEASE!
who are you and why do you have a kitty krew movie?
I am andy70707, I mainly make games and the occasional animations and audio. I have the kitty krew movie because I used to belong to the kitty krew, which I no longer do, when I found out about their spam habits and everything. I origionally joined because I thought it was a club with people who like cats (cats are my favorite animal) but then found out about their terrible spamming habits and that they really didnt have anything to do with cats at all. I will delete it imediately.
oh god
better art pl0x
no seriously.
look, when I get the scriping done, I will have plenty of time to work on the graphics. The only permanent graphics ATM are the main character, trees, and up potion.