Well, to start, alot of people want to know whats going on about Mage RPG. Well, I have kind of given up on it. Lots of people who were helping me dropped out, and I havent really done anything on it for ages, bad feedback, and there were so many programming problems in it. At this rate, it would be finished to a low standard and take several more years, so I have now stoped working on it officially. I am still going to keep all the files and the website though, as I might manage to fix all the problems one day if im really bored, but im not gonna do any more work on it now.
Secondly, I got Adobe CS4 web premium for christmas, which is great! All the programs have so any new features and are really easy to use. Web Premium includes Flash, Photoshop Extended, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Fireworks, Contribute, Soundbooth, Acrobat, Bridge, Device Central, Version Cue, Media Encoder, Drive, and Extension Manager CS4. I have tried out some or the programs, I really like Illustrator and flash, I would really recomend it for anyone wanting to buy it.
Finally, some of you may have already noticed, but I have got a new layout. My new logo was made in illustrator as a vector, and the icon was also done as a vector in illustrator, based on an iPhone icon.
My collab, The Metal Collab still has plenty of spaces (I need people to join so I can get rid of people that havent responded for months) so feel free to join that still. At the moment, that is the only real "big" flash project I am working on ATM is that, so if anyone wants to do a platformer or some other game with me, that would be cool.
Edit: I have now started work on an aritllery game, here is the thriead with the latest version and information about it.
Oh god.
Better art pl0x.
I remember it as if it was yesterday.