View Profile andy70707
I am a flash developer- I mostly make games but do a few animations and vector graphics too. PM or email me if you want any help with flash tips or techniques, or AS2 help. I am also interested in electronics and pyrotechnics, so PM about them too.

Age 29, Male



Cheltenham, England

Joined on 9/30/07

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Posted by andy70707 - January 5th, 2008

EDIT: new tutorial level now released! Click here to play it.

EDIT: The new mage-rpg forums are up and running! You can access them by going to the official website and clicking on forums, or by going to http://magerpgforums.freeforums.org. They are also not filtered on most school computers! I also have the improved character in the main game and the inventory working, but it is still very glitchy. Thanks to WhoknowsmeaUdIo for helping- I will try and fix the movement and inventory withing about a week.

EDIT: I will be buying the domains www.andrewmayes.com and www.mage-rpg.com soon. I will post here again when I have the .com websites up and running.

EDIT: the official website is now finished! Track the progress of the RPG, play demos, chat in the forum, vote, and download official mage-rpg wallpaper, screensavers, ang get banners for your site!

YES! My RPG (Now called mage RPG) Is making alot of progress, so I decided to re-post this with updated information.

To view the latest version of the game, click here. This is going to be the tutorial level of the game. Please leave comments if you notice any glitches, want to help with it, or any recomendations/changes.

Here are the things I still need help on:

Enemies----------------Complete - still needs some improvement
Map/level design----tutorial level done, level design done
Quests-----------------No help yet

Here is a map of the game game so far: (tutorial level)



oh god

better art pl0x


oh god

better art pl0x


oh god

better art pl0x


oh god

better art pl0x


ok, just to get it staright, i was being sarcastic in your third post when i said it was to hard to avoid the spikes. it was too easy. you are blind to sarcasm. all 10 year old ngers fail.

ok and BTW i dunno why ppl keep thinking im 10 im 13 almost 14

Wanna cooperate?
I am average/good in AS, plus i am absolutely better in art.
I can make the art better, and the smoothness, plus a hittest correction, and i can make the spells better. I also know how to make money, and particular quests.
So if ur interested, please PM me!

yep! I alread Pmed you awhile ago IDK why im resopnding here lol

Money! I can help with that, and what ever else you need.

um, I already have about 5 people helping and there isn't going to be any money. Sorry.

nice good job

Thanks :D

I'll help with the quest if you want Andy oh yea and I'll probaly make you some better wallpapers i like the site

okay, thanks!

Quote from your blog:

"Money-------------------No help yet"

and... I don't mean a dynamic text box with numbers and stuff. I mean actually getting enemies to drop random amoutnts of coins from 1-10 and stuff

looks like the tuturial map in everquest, hmm

ive never heard of everquest. I just googled it and it looks completely different to this.

looks ambitious...

plus you're site is the most hideous thing I've ever seen. You could win an award for ugliest site ever with it.

:'( I was quite impressed with my site. Whats so bad about it? I am getting a .com soon, and might be able to get it multiplayer.

Where to start?

Firstly I can see a box on the left saying "If you can read this mesage, your screen is widescreen. This area is left blank for people who do not have widescreen."

WTF?!?! Why would you put that there? Can you not just leave out the big white box? Most people probably do, you're just mocking your own website with it.

Then that stupid woman will start talking. NO! I don't want to hear some stupid computer speech that sounds like something from a clock movie on your website. I don't want to hear anything unless you specially recorded someone speaking for it, with your own animation - that looks good.

There are a billion more things I'll just skim over that I can't be bothered to write about. Here are just a few:

- looks ugly
- very little and rubbish content
- too many adverts
- badly designed clock
- you show the hits on the page
- the HORRIBLE gradient backgrounds

There are more but I don't want this to be an essay.


I was talking about the mage-rpg site. I havent updated www.andrewmayes.piczo.com for ages as I am getting a .com to replace it withing a few weeks. I can't remove the ads as they are put there by the site creator (thats why its free) i don't see anything wrong with the clock though.



Make the V-CAM bigger please. You can hardly see anything

Okay, I will make it zoomed out a bit.

Hey man i would like to help you in this game... i can try to atleast... im only 14 and i need to get flash down... so i would like to help with this project...

Thanks for the offer but Ive already had sooo many people helping out. The credit lists gonna be 10 miles long. I can't really think of anything I need right now anyway, but I might change my mind If I need some extra help. Can I see some examples of your work? Im only 13 BTW!

Not sure, But I can remember this game when the character used to look really bad, might jsut be me.

Yep, the character did use to be some "bug" like thing. Its changes maorly since then :D

oh god

better art pl0x

okay, this is just getting annoying. I swear I'll ban the next person that says that. The final version will have WAAAY better graphics. The only graphics I'm using in the final game is the character, potions, and the door.


Ok, ok, calm down its only about 2% complete yet.

Careful man! Action scripting is not all there is to a game man! Fix the drawings! You can make it look better and it will be awesome!

Dont worry, we are working on the graphics. Infact, I am just in the process of updating the site with the mage RPG theme and latest tutorial level. We havent done anything to the background yet, but the item graphics are improved, and I got rid of the random spikes you have to dodge, half-fixed the inventory, added some bars XP and MP, although MP dosent work yet) and some other bits.

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